Annual Volleyball Championship

The friendly competition in sports among employees teaches the value of discipline, tolerance, and cooperation. Playing any kind of sport promotes team-building opportunities.

Annual Volleyball Championship, 2021

Annual Volleyball
Championship, 2021

Annual Volleyball
Championship, 2021

Annual Volleyball
Championship, 2021

Annual Volleyball
Championship, 2021

Annual Volleyball
Championship, 2021

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Volleyball tournament was held among the employees as a part of our Employee Engagement activities. Sports can help employees to be a team player and work as a team within the company premises. The outcome of this employee engagement was outstanding as there was life long bond established among our SimbaQuartz employees.


A Volleyball tournament was organised in the company premises in 2021. Employees were divided in teams and they displayed their volleyball skills. Team games teach us working in a collaborative environment and striving for the best with our teams. Here are some glimpses of the matches.